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2022 - Our Africanism Year in Review


What to say for such an exciting, but also difficult year 2022 has been for everyone.

All of us have been fighting to keep sane and still fulfill our dreams in a world full of covid, rising prices on top of our personal struggles. At such times I always think of Africa. It seems African people never lay low on energy, they are living in today because you know, life is beautiful and it is out there for us to enjoy in the limited time that we have on this beautiful planet <3. So then still life goes on to make you happy if you take the risks. And that's exactly what happened to Africanism !

Coming back to being a small entrepreneur, someone might think that all entrepreneurs have it all figured out or that they are always confident. Well, it isn't like this for me hehe. For me, it is part of the beauty to have a small business to be able to have direct impact to peoples lives and still not have it planned exactly. It is a human thing to do! However, 2022 was the year that I decided to make Africanism grow in its business aspects and also to the impact back home in Greece.

Our most important events for 2022:

  • November21- January22 : Introducing Clothing as a new category to our products made in Tanzania using locally made Batiki Fabric and as well Kitenge bought in the Market of Dar es Salaam.

Increased our Stock and established new collabs for our Jewelery and Bag Suppliers. This intenstive work of selecting and estabishing quality in our products for 3 months gave us so much energy to communicate our work.

We also started putting the basis for production line with the Mamas of Gongo Village supporting them in Starting their Batik making business and Sewing together with our work with the Wheeling2Help Projects in the area.

  • March22 : Setting up our first Boutique Store Front inside NISI Raches Glamping

It felt amazing to have a place on our own so people can fully appreciate our philosophy and this was our first step to enjoy fully the interaction with our customers.

  • May22 : Participating in the Erasmus Young Entrepreneurs Program

Hosting a Young entrepreneur for the first time and together leading workshops related to our values of Slow Fashion, Sewing techniques, REusing Scrap Fabrics and so much more. Another amazing opportunity to spread the message of why we do what we do and get fresh ideas on our perspective by sharing with the international community.

  • June22 : We had our First Professional Photoshooting

When I first started Africanism I never had really thought how much joy and confidence it would give to women to wear clothes that feel good and more so to participate in a photoshooting organised with our group of friends and coworkers. Definitely let me know if u want to be part of this for our next photoshooting!

  • July22 : Project Africanism Fashion Show

We definitely felt the rush of organising our 1st Fashion Show Showcasing the beautiful art of African Printmaking and talked about ''dopamine dressing'' which is why we need to get dressed in clothes that represent who we are and make us feel good about ourselves!

What are our Goals for 2023 ?

  • As we are currently preparing our 2023 Collection for you we can say that this New Year will find us updating our product line and making sure we have the best quality in what we do. We will introduce better lines in our Clothing Pieces and as always new prints for you to enjoy!

  • We are hoping also to grow a little bit as we have received requests for our products from Shops in Athens and the Greek Islands so hopefully you will have our products closer to you ! We have plans also to participate in Pop up Stores and Markets mainly in Athens.

  • The summer of 2023 will find us also organising a lot more Workshops based in Raches.

We will be glad for you to join us and get to know u in any way! We are open to collabs and if you are interested in custom orders or having our products in your store you can send us and email at

I want to thank you for your support for without you Africanism wouldn't be able to make this all happen !

Asante Sana.


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